In the Knot of Time
In the Knot of Time
An illustrated artist book of photographs and brief autobiographical narratives, resembles a film storyboard, except that it is an end in itself. Pictures and text converge into unified wholes, achieving a poetic effect.
This is a memoir with conditions and sometimes, didactic glimpses of a life of fortunes good and otherwise. Perhaps we are all accidents of birth, tumbling out of amniotic seas into rivers of time and circumstance. From the first inspiring slap, it is only fair that we should cry out, and on it goes, our imprecations claiming dignity for our survival. Born into a world of vitality and danger, bereft early, and again and again, Carlos de Jesus marks the savings and curses of his odyssey in alternating currents of compelling words and pictures. His losses, his loves and his resentments are all here, as he navigates the stark realities of being a Puerto Rican orphaned in this knot of time.
Thomas Drysdale
Associate Professor, Founding Chair
Photography & Imaging
, Tisch School of the Arts, New York University